Home Garden Guild Online Garden Club Options
The garden clubs of yester-year were a popular place for members to go to share their knowledge, learn from their peers, and BE A PART of COMMUNITY. They met in church basements, town-halls, and living rooms across America. Oh the nostalgia! For several, the schedules we keep today aren’t so complimentary of such a group. However, the benefits of today’s technology offer an alternative. How many of you use Facebook and other social media ? How often do you connect with other’s online? The Home Garden Guild could be the place for you. By joining this month-to-month membership, you’ll have access to a community of those with an interest in learning more about garden based activities that compliment your interests, as well as rich content to use in your gardening journey. The membership opens for new members only periodically. Be the first to know of it’s launch by connecting here: Garden Basics Information